Centurion Assault Squad/ Space Marine Centurion Devastator Squad
Centurion Assault Squad/ Space Marine Centurion Devastator Squad
This 3 man kit makes the Centurion Assault Squad, providing every weapon and upgrade available to the unit. The Centurion Assault Squad members are equipped with a siege drill on each arm, and have the choice of mounting either twin-linked flamers, or twin-linked meltaguns as well. The chest plates can be armed with either ironclad assault launchers or a hurricane bolter.
The Centurion Devastator Squad’s arms can be equipped with either twin-linked heavy bolters, twin-linked lascannons; or grav cannons and grav-amps. The chest plates can be armed with either a hurricane bolter or a missile launcher.
This plastic kit contains 175 components with which to make either a 3 man Space Marine Centurion Assault Squad or a 3 man Space Marine Centurion Devastator Squad. Also included is 1 Ultramarines Infantry Transfer Sheet with which to add Chapter iconography and squad markings.